Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I have no clue what I am doing.

This my friends is my first venture into cyberspace. My first blog. I do like the word blog, it reminds me of my favorite poem which ends with the lines: "To tell your name the livelong day to an admiring bog." While I was recommend to begin this blog venture, there are a few things that prohibit me from fully divulging my secret thoughts. So, I've come up with a few rules. They are as follows:

1. Do not attempt to correct my spelling or grammar. Like Mark Twain said,"I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way." I like to write in fragments. They're good. Deal with it.

2. This must only be read while at work. 75% of people's waking hours are spent on work or work related things. The last thing you should do in your non-work hours is read about someone bitching about work.

3. Don't hold me to what I say. I'm a compulsive liar. Actually, I'm not really; I lied about that. But I am incapable of saying anything serious. My life credo is: Sometimes you have to laugh at life because you know life is laughing at you.

4. Finally, keep in mind that I am crazy. You have no idea how hard it is to type when you are wearing a straight jacket. I actually have to use my toes which is difficult since I only have eight of them (just checking if rule number three is being enforced). So, enjoy. Let my misery be your humor because yours is mine. Mi misery es su misery.

Let's begin.


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