Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Hello, is anyone out there.

I realize that I am just doing this for my own amusement. No one will ever read these. These entries are like a diary, not to be read. But I don't believe a diary isn't suppose to be read. Isn't that the purpose of writing. Why write something you don't want read? Why say something you don't want heard? Why be someone you don't want to be? To be or not to be? That's an easy question.

To sleep, perchance to dream. At this time in the morning that is inevitable. I dream a little dream. I will myself out of my situation. I'm tired of it all. I no longer want to be the person who sleeps when I am awake and is only awake when I sleep, perchance to dream. This reality I must face. This destiny I must fulfill.

Destiny: is it a blessing or a curse? To know that there is hope or to realize the impending doom. I don't know what my destiny is, the only thing I do know is that this is not it. Destiny is some what of an exponential equation, you spend a life time fufilling it without ever achieving it. If you could actually achieve your destiny, than destiny would merely be death. Striving is life. Accomplishment is death.

Is anyone out there? I'm merely a tree falling in the forest. Who knew cyberspace had a forest? I wish they would stop cutting the trees down so I could breathe. I can't breathe in space. I need space to breathe. I can see my breath, yet I cannot feel the life within me.

Why does the morning make you so philosophical? Is it because we recently came out of our dream state. We realize what our inner most thoughts are. I don't know. I should start writing these things later in the day. I'm too depressing in the morning. Even though no one reads these, it doesn't mean they have to suck. If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, it doesn't mean it has to hit the ground with a big thud. Instead of writing anymore, I will simply stand back and yell, "Timber!"


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