Thursday, July 01, 2004

I want to blog this memory out.

I was reading my friend Jenny's blog when something she wrote struck me. It might not have actually struck me, but it did feel like someone hit me over the head with something. Jenny wrote about the plight of our generation, one of them anyways. She wrote that she views herself as better and smarter than everyone else. She further states that this is how everyone our generation feels.

We can't merely be a generation of conceit. If this was true than we wouldn't all have rampant self-esteem issues. I propose a spin on her theory. Yes, everyone thinks that they are smarter than everyone else. We each view the world through our own eyes. Like houses on the same hill, everyone's view is slightly different. If you live on a hill on the other side of the valley, then the view is the exact opposite. Of course your view is going to be right because you look out the window and that is the view you see, that is the view that is true to you. Of course you are going to be smarter because your intellect is the one you judge other's against. It makes sense, yours is the only intellect you can ever know.

That is the 45 degree angle of Jenny's thought. Now to offer the 90 degree angle. In our mind, we are all college professors. We all weight skills differently. Some people weight the skill of spelling heavily because they are good spellers. I am not that person. But, of course we are going to weight are strengths more when we compare ourselves to other people. You don't go into battle with the weapon you are the worst at wielding. We are not better or smarter than each other we just posses different skill sets.

180 degree angle. Our conceit is merely a protective devise to save us from ourselves. At the core we are all idiots. But no one wants to know that about themselves. Our conceit gives us the strength and confidence to get us through the day. Who would want to get out of bed in the morning if they realized they were a moron. Thinking you are smart and wanting to prove it to the world is much more likely to get your ass in the shower. What the heck do any of us real know? We know what we think we know. Like they say on MTV, "You think you know, but you have no idea." Mindless wanders in the desert of life in desperate search of water. We find soda in the compare and contrast of ourselves against other people. But this is not water, it quenches your thirst for a little while before it leaves you dehydrated and in want for more. Every once and a while we get a glimpse of our stupidity. We view it to be a mirage, but it's not. Everyone does stupid things, luckily there is always someone there to compare and contrast against us, only we are the stupid one to them. In that moment in time we can't fault them for that, we are the stupid one. And there is the root of the self-esteem tree. One bad day and we feel as though we are on the brink of deforestation. However, the bigger the tree the harder they fall. Those who have the most conceit grow so high that they tower over the forest, but when they fall they take their neighbors out with them. Sadly the roots of the tree never go deep into the soil. No matter how tall the tree there is no real cling to the earth thus making the fall inevitable.

360 degree angle (is it still an angle if it is a circle?). Our idiocies are what makes us acquire knowledge. We ask questions. We pursue the truth. We strive for excellence knowing we will never achieve it. Our idiocies give us the ignorance to face the day. Our quest for stupidity is limitless. We want to strive for higher than what we see, farther than what we can run, and longer than what we can breathe. Courage is stupidity but used for a higher purpose, it's stupidity with justification. Reason tells us to do what is easy. Chasing your dreams is not smart. Taking a chance is foolish. A blind leap of faith is dumb. Being stupid is the smartest thing we can do. How do I know that to be true? How do you know that I am right? Because I am smarter than all of you.


Blogger Jenny1899 said...

I think in my post I was talking about the 180 degree angle. Inside I believe I am smarter because i am very afraid I am the dumbest of the group. Forced conceit because of debilitating doubt of oneself.

4:11 PM  

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