Friday, July 16, 2004

Hair today. Gone tomorrow.

Last night I colored my hair. Now, there are several risks involved in coloring ones own hair: first, it could turn some horrible color because it doesn't react well to your original color; second, it might make all of your hair fall out if it's overprocessed; finally, no one will notice the difference. The last fear/risk is the greatest of all of them. Your psyche might be bruised by the first two but you can get the color fixed and you can regrow hair. However, the last risk can be earth shattering. To know that when your hair looks completely different to you, so much so that you feel like a new person, no one else can tell the difference.
What the heck? It's like proof the your invisibility. The emperor can change the color of his clothes as much as he wants but it doesn't matter because they are still invisible. But maybe I should look at it a different way, like I have a secret that no one else is privy to. I'll think of it like wearing hot pink panties. The satisfaction of knowing that you are wearing crazy undergarments and no one else can see them. If they only knew. If you're lucky I'll let you in on my little secret. So instead I'll appreciate my undercover hair color.
Although the converse is also true. If everyone comes up to you and says how wonderful your color looks then that gets your goat too. You start to think, "was my hair really that horrible before." You never want to get overly complimented unless you've just come from a TLC makeover show. The self esteem teeter totter is rarely in balance.
A change in hair color works as a metaphor for change itself. Dramatic at first, then the roots begin to show,  and it fades over time if let unattended. Plus, with hair color and change key is to  pick the right shade.


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