Thursday, July 15, 2004

It takes 2 weeks to learn to love me, but only seconds to hate me

I've recently discovered that everytime I give someone something to read of mine, whether it be a script or a blog, they always seem to be closed off from me once they have read said material. Is it because I come across one way in person and then when they see a glimpse of what the inner workings of my head can produce they don't like me anymore? I really don't think that anything I write is offensive. At least, I don't intend anything I write to be taken to heart. I'm sorry if I pissed any one off. I truly am. But I am who I am. Julia might say that Scorpios hide who they, she thinks this is because we're vengeful, but really it is just because we are scared. I thought this analogy I once read was perfect: Scorpios are like catepillars in a cocoon waiting for the right time to become the butterfly. Sappy, yes. Incorrect, no.
I once joked that it takes two weeks to learn how to love me. This statement was said at a time when I was temping and by the second week of each job they would try to offer me a job. But the interesting thing about love is that it can take a lifetime to earn it or receive it. But it only takes a single instant or a misworded sentence to lose it. Love takes a life time but hate takes a minute. That's a horrible thought. Horrible but true.
We've all known people who we grew to like but then they said or did one small thing that changed the entire way that you view them. However, on the positive side unconditional love does exist while I've never heard of anyone hating unconditional. We usually try to fabricate some kind of justification was to why we hate them. Love is something people have a hard time putting into words (despite the numerous love songs, etc. that try to do just that), where hate can result in longwinded speeches that state every infraction committed against them.
There is a thin line between love and hate and apparently that line is my blog for some people. I apologize profusely. My thoughts are not meant to injure anything other than my own self esteem. I know I am probably reading too much into everything. I wouldn't think that my thoughts drive people away if it hadn't been a pattern that I've noticed. I guess Cooley's Looking Glass Theory is right. "I am not who I think I am, I am not who you think I am, I am what I think you think I am."  And apparently I think that you think I am a total bitch. Not that it isn't justified.


Blogger Jenny1899 said...

I read, and I still love you. Hell, I live with you. I trust you with teeny tiny. You are fine, forget the haters. You keep it real.

4:47 PM  

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