Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Highly caffeinated and Under Medicated

I always thought it would be cool to make a t-shirt with that saying. But truth be told I am highly caffeinated and under motivated. So, I've come to the realization of several things. First, I come to a lot of realizations. Second, my blog is way too depressing. Third, I've got to learn how to proof read. Forth, everything I say, write, and think is all wrong. And finally, if a line goes on forever and some people think that the universe could be round, then a line would not exist because it would invariably become a circle. I knew high school geometry was all wrong, now I just need some stupid theorem to prove it.

Sometimes I am surprised that I can make it through the day in one piece. Today, I am having much problems with that. For instance, I can't compose complete sentences. Who am I kidding, I can never do that. I keep spilling everything on myself. It is 7am in the morning and I already look like I've been the prime target of a food fight in the high school cafeteria. I usually don't put on much makeup since I wake up at 5am, but today I made the foolish mistake to attempt it. Note: don't put makeup on in dim lighting at 5am, you'll just look like Picasso applied Tammy Fay Baker's makeup on your face.

I'm so tired and the caffeine doesn't help. But, I can't kick the caffeine habit. Even though I've built up an immunity to the benefits of caffeine, e.g. it doesn't wake me up, I can't quit. The withdrawal process is too painful. That afternoon headache is agony. Such is life, I don't do things that are beneficial, I do things that prohibit negative effects. I guess I'm a the-best- offense-is-a-good-defense kind of girl.

I am sooooo bored. The thing I work the most on at work is thinking of ways to entertain myself. One time my friend asked me why weekends can't swap with the weekdays. I told her they could, if everyone collectively decided to do two days of solid work (no surfing the internet, no personal calls, no long lunches) then the weekends could be five days. Stupid bureaucracy will never allow that to happen. I still propose that we screw the electoral college, we'll never get rid of that. Instead, we should start an initiative to make to the weekends the weekdays and vice versa. Maybe we can get it on the next ballot. Until November, I must entertain myself. I think today I will pretend I am a guest on Inside the Actor's Studio.

What is your favorite word?
plethora or Abyss when used in an analogy
What is your least favorite word?
thesaurus (I can't pronounce it)
What is your favorite sound?
A Mac booting up
What is your least favorite sound?
The buzz of fluorescent lights
What is your favorite curse word?
Digitty MoFo
What profession, other than your own would you like to attempt?
A London Tour Guide
What profession would you not want to attempt?
My own
If heaven exists...?
I have no clue why they cancelled My So Called Life

My boredom is so immense that I am sure this list will be revised throughout the day.


Blogger Jenny1899 said...

Seriously, you crack me up. You can turn on a light in the morning. We won't scream at you.

3:52 PM  

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