Monday, July 19, 2004

Socially and Emotionally Stunted

This I have always known about myself. But the extent of which actually still surprises me sometimes. This weekend for example I went to a party, I've always been shy about meeting new people, but this was the first time that I actually went out of my way to not talk to new people. It's one thing to be shy and not know how to approach people. But it is another to not talk to people who try to talk to you. Wow. Even I'm at the point where I am disappointed in myself. But screw it. I won't dwell on my weaknesses because I still had fun at the party.
I think most people in LA are socially and emotionally stunted, that's why people come to LA, right? It fosters and breeds that kind of mentality. Although, I suppose stunted and detatched are two separate disorders. Or it might just be a result of growing up. We become more and more distant and closed off the older we get. But maybe I'm not that far gone. Afterall, I am blogging and that is not a medium that allows you to close yourself off. But the beauty of unloading emotional baggage on blogger is that you can sign out whenever you want. Check your baggage on your blog rather than the over head compartment where it always falls out and hits someone on the head. It doesn't matter how pretty your luggage is, its always going to weigh down the plane.


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