Friday, January 07, 2005

"He's just not that into me"

Oh, the words that have ignited such controversy. Why heated debate because they are true. But the truth they hold is not merely contained to the romantic arena, I've found this week that they are true for everything in life. For me, this truth relates to job searching. The jobs you don't want call you back and the ones you yearn for don't even glance over your resume before it makes it to the bottom of the trash can. I sit here wanting so bad to get a call that is never going to be placed. Yet, I receive calls I never expected and frankly, never care to get.

Thus is the moral of the story. Don't want anything and you get everything you never wanted. But where is the excitement, the anticipation, and the searing disappointment. This is the adrenaline that makes the world go round. This is the sad part about accepting this mantra as the truth that it is. If we all concede the point then what music would be listen to, what books would we read, and what paintings would we stare at. Longing is that force of nature that torments our very soul that breeds inspiration.

So we know the truth, all that does is close us off from going down the wrong road. Sometimes the only way to find the right road is to take a detour down the wrong one.

It kills me, knowing that I can't have that which I want the most. The agony of defeat. Why can't I will it to be different?

I don't even try and they call me back. I try so hard that they don't want it. So this is what I've learned about life, don't try and people will come a calling, show any ounce of caring and they run for the countryside. I will now treat everyone and everything like dirt. This way if he isn't that into me I won't care because I don't care.

But why aren't they calling? Just because I don't have the "on paper" qualifications doesn't mean you should call me. Call me. Please!

Hey, at least I tried, I suppose that is the first part of the battle. Nobody ever tells you that rejections is the second part.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

I don't know. Maybe we're on some path. Maybe we get rejected now for something better later. Hell, Brad Pitt was the Subway Sandwich guy who had to stand on the sidewalk and hold a big sign. Who knew that year's later, he would have his heart broken for all of the world to see? Better things, I tell ya...better things.

by the way, I contacted the person you asked me to contact with specific instructions but he's didn't get back to me. Hopefully he did what I asked anyway but just didn't tell me about it. Word from his gf is that he's going through something.

I saw him before Christmas and he was definitely in a place. You and I both know that place well. Where you're upset because you're life isn't where you had hoped it would be when you thought about this time a few years back when you were still young and optimistic, and no amount of small achievements on the road to success help because it isn't the big time, RIGHT NOW. Anyway, let's just say he's a little bitter right now, and he hates that company. But like I said, who knows, in the grand scheme of things...

3:24 PM  

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