Friday, December 03, 2004

Do you have anything planned for the weekend?

A broker was sitting in the lobby for a moment before he left for the weekend. I engaged in the prerequisite small talk. I politely asked him what his plans were for the weekend. Of course, I expected the normal response like: " I don't know, nothing much, maybe just dinner with some friends." Instead he said: " On Saturday night I am getting on a boat and sailing all night to the Santa Barbara islands where I will go diving on Sunday." Dear Heavens. I've got to get me a life. He asked me the same question to which I answered: "I'm working on Saturday. And on Sunday I will probably just sit around and watch DVDs."

The only time I get to go on a sea adventure is when my Netflix sends me a copy of Master and Commander. But his way sounds fun too. He is a broker that is always doing cool things. He goes on Buddhist trips to wherever and so on. The only trips I go on is down a flight of stairs. But I'm not jealous of his life; I'm in awe of it. I want to be like him someday. He is my vacation role model. I hope that my socio-economic situation will change in the future thus enabling me to travel the great wide planes as well as the ever-expansive oceans.

***We interrupt this post for a bitchfest: Why do people always start to ask me a question when I am on the phone. Do you think my lips are just moving for show? I swear I need one of those stupid "on air" signs to light up when I am on the line. Because not only can I not hear two people at once but I end up not hearing either of them as a result of them interfering with each other. Sometimes people have no awareness. Note: if my lips are moving or I'm displaying that look of intense listening/head nodding, then I am on the phone and please wait your turn to bitch at me. Complaints have a much bigger impact if I can actually hear them.

We now join our previously schedule program already in progress...

I believe I left off sailing the great wide oceans. Or maybe I was on my way to the Brazilian rain forest. At least my mind can travel even if I'm stuck behind this stupid desk. I feel the snowflakes hitting my nose in the middle of the Arctic. My computer really resides in a little Parisian apartment with me at the desk next to the open window inviting the sounds of the quaint alley below in to join us as my mouth waters for the freshly baked bread that filtrates in from the family owned patisserie that occupies the alley.

Someday it won't be my imagination that will have to do all the work, instead it will be my actual senses; so until I come to them, I'm stuck in plane of my own reality rather than a plane with my ass in a first class seat. I'd rather have blood clots forming from sitting on a plane too long than from sitting in my office chair for too long. I can't take a trip around the world just yet so for now I will just have to spin really fast in my chair to at least simulate what the earth feels like constantly revolving. I don't understand how it doesn't get dizzy; it must have the equilibrium of a child.


Blogger William John said...

I just thought I'd say hello. :)
You write really well, and it took me a lot of "next blog" clicking to find one that didn't prattle on with endless posts about gibberish (then again, I don't have foreign fonts installed... could that be it?). I haven't read it all, but I will definitely idle away my alone time here in the future.

All the best,

William John.

3:44 PM  

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