Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I am Zeus

I must be the God of Gods because Athena must be cutting through my skull with her axe trying to get out of my head, which seems to be the only explanation for this splitting headache that keeps terrorizing me. My caffeine quotient has been met so it couldn't possibly be that. In all likelihood it's sinuses, but that's not nearly has fun of a justification as an offspring making such a grand entrance into the world. I wish my entrance could be so grand, but I can still hold out for the finale.
Why do some people make it look so easy? Life seems so effortless. But for others you can tell that they struggle with it everyday. Is it merely ones outlook of the world that makes the difference? But that simplifies it too much. A rose bush doesn't yield a beautiful bud merely because it resides in good soil. Life, like nature, factors in many elements to achieve a specific result. Now as a gardener there are certain measures you can take to grow the best rose you can, but no matter what fertilizers you use, how much you water it, where the sun hits it, you could do everything right but you have to start with a good seed.
It's a sad thought to think that no matter what you do in life you might not be able to be as good as someone else. Why do some people get to be born with certain innate talents? Some people fight to discover what they are good at possibly never to find the answer. But maybe the more fulfilling life is that of the explorer maybe the adventure resides in the search of your niche rather than in the actual niche. It's the old breath vs. depth argument. Is it better to know a lot about a little or a little about a lot?
These ideas remind me of my elementary school mantra: "do your best." More specifically our cheese school song:

Know with Hillbrook. Grow with Hillbrook.
A search for knowledge is our quest.
A family sharing. A place for caring.
You and I will do our best.

I can't believe I remember that, although I think I fudged some of the words, but you get the point. To do our best should be enough. To seek knowledge should provide meaning. But would if none of it is enough. Maybe some people's innate talent is incompleteness. Restlessness, never being content maybe that is a talent. Some people never want to strive for more than they are they never want to be any different. Some people don't want to move from the spot they are in. Only 11% of Americans have passports, merely have them not just using them. Some people are comfortable in their boundaries. Maybe my talent is that I am not. If isn't not then I still have the Goddess chopping her way through my skull which would be an equally great talent for the circus freak show. It's good know I have something to fall back on in case I never find what I am actually meant to do.


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