Tuesday, November 09, 2004

When hatred rules over self-interest

I just realized something that depresses me about last Tuesday even more than W winning a second term. A lot of people speculate or say that the reason that W won reelection on Tuesday was because of the gay marriage initiatives. I suspected as much, but then today I thought about that. I heard people speak of a right wing conspiracy, saying that the Republican campaign got the initiatives put on the ballots in all those states. I don't really believe that, although I don't think it beneath them. Their campaign was the most despicable of my time (that's not saying much since I only remember like four presidential elections).

Today it hit me. If Bush won because conservatives were driven to the polls by these individual initiatives that is truly tragic. That means that people thought voting on a proposition that infuses personal belief into law was more important than voting for the leader of the free world. Now that is a sad state of affairs. People let hate drag them to the polls rather than hope for a better tomorrow. It is necessary for people to actively participate in a democracy, so I am glad that those people went to the polls, I am merely disappointed in their method of getting there. And disagree with their choices but respect their right to voice them.

I am over the pain of last week. Although I still get sad every time I see a picture of Kerry. Now I have to start to write letters to my representatives and become more active in politics because now is when the real work begins. I need to find an organization to volunteer at, I think I want to see if there is an election reform lobby that needs help.


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