Thursday, October 28, 2004

Why do people assume that I'm an idiot?

I finally sat down with my manager, and not only was he not helpful, but he actually made me hate this place more: I didn't know it was possible, but he achieved a huge feat in doing so. All day I couldn't decide if I wanted to cry or scream. We sat down to talk to him fully knowing that he wouldn't be able to help us but all we wanted was to voice our concerns. Sometimes all you need to make you feel better is for someone to listen. Instead of listening, my manager decided to lecture about all the hardships in the world.

People wonder why there is no employee loyalty anymore. That's your answer. Employees don't want that much. Everyone merely wants what Aretha Franklin immortalized: R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Why can't my company find out what it means to me? I once read that a person spends 75% of their waking hours on or thinking about work. In other words we give our lives over to a company and they could give a shit about it. My breathing is an inconvenience to them. If only I didn't take up so much of their precious oxygen. The audacity that I even contemplate, let alone partake in, breathing at work.

Have I stressed enough in the last several months how much I abhor my company? I loathe them. I despise them. But mostly, I pity them. The world is changing. Evolution occurs and leaves some behind. If you can't adapt with climate than you are going to be a casualty of the survival of the fittest. Companies need to start to bring more to the table. The way in which companies need to compete is vastly mutating. Business is like education. No one wants to invest in that which is not currently seen in concrete figures.

The problem is that companies, as a whole, have no vision. They can't move because they can't see anything below them. The side effect of skyscrapers is that while they give you a clear view of the clouds, they do not allow you to see the ground. Most of the time they try to move, just step on whatever is beneath them. But I am not beneath them, I am standing right before them and yet I am still invisible. I won't give my 75% to a company that does not see me, hear me, or respect me.

Do not belittle me. Stop exploiting me. And cease pretending to care. You don't care. You don't know how to feel; you cold, sterile, soulless machine. Fuck you, second largest company in the world. You may be big, but I have never met someone or something so small. You may rule the universe, but you do not own me. You may have rented me for a little while but trust me when I tell you that your lease is about to expire. I'm evicting your ass and giving you the bird. It doesn't matter how high up you are in your skyscraper, birds can still shit on your windows.

But you can't treat this winged beast like crap anymore. I wash my hands of you. From this day on, I might show up, but I will never again be here. You can have my hours but you will not have my life. I will wear a flag tomorrow in order to show my claim of this land. They will never conquer me. They can hold me down but they can't hold me back. Come January, I will be traveling the great oceans of life again in search of new lands to explore. For the time being I will stand on the deck of my boat with desperate hopes of pointing in the distance in front of me then uttering, "land."

If I am an idiot, it is not for lack of understanding; it is for putting up with so much for so long without ever saying anything. I do feel better after talking with my manager if only so I can leave this place with a clear conscience. I've done my best to express my concerns and my needs. I've sat down at the table; it is not my fault if they cannot find a chair. I might be an idiot, but they're the damn fool.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

what the fuck? what did your asshole manager say? that's ridiculous. I understand how you feel. Corporations are monsters. They look at numbers. Everything and everyone is a number. We need to find benefactors.

11:43 AM  

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