Tuesday, October 19, 2004

For your eyes only

There are certain things that people should never be privy to. Some times ignorance is bliss. And to know the truth ruins any illusion that one might foster. I HATE the truth. All that it ever proves is how selfish people are. Nobody gives a damn. But I do. That is what makes what is real harder for me to digest.

People are bastards. They are. The more people have, the less they share with others. I suppose it is because they don't know what it is like to need anything. They know how to want things but they don't know how to need. If you can't see the other side of the coin, how do you know what it looks like? However, if you are on opposite ends of the same side of the coin then it is easier to understand.

But none of that changes the fact that once you have empirical proof that someone is an asshole, then there's no more pretending he isn't. When something appears in black and white, it is hard to view it in color. I want to believe the lie again. I want to be able to put on a smiley face but that relies on the possibility of things being different. But things are what they are. The truth is just that. Sometimes the world is black and white, especially on a gray day.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

ah, finally. Been having trouble getting to comment on this. So what's the deal, Whit? Who's an asshole? I would like to sacrifice an apple thrown over a neighboring building if it will make you feel better...

9:48 AM  
Blogger Whit said...

Sadly, it is more than just one asshole. I'm afraid we will need to pitch a whole barrel of apples. But maybe we can merely throw one for symbolism.

2:25 PM  
Blogger 3am wanderer said...

Whit...DONE and DONE. (I hope you don't mind it was an orange. The orange looked more expendible than the apple and given the state of my back, there was more of a chance of my arm causing the orange to clear the building across the street, than the apple). Cheers!

11:19 PM  

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