Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Living is killing us

This is the motto I've dubbed as a response to the people who tell me a particular thing causes cancer or something of its likeness. They usually tell me that something is killing me while I'm in the midst of enjoying whatever it is that is leading to my death. Society is always dictating what the current killer is with its use of circumstantial science by releasing a new study today that contradicts the study that came out yesterday. So I say screw it. Living is killing us.

Everyday we grow closer to our death, why not enjoy the ride? So we choice which death traps we allow in our lives by weighing the sensation against the result. Everyone has the option to choose their addictions. Some pick smoking because the act of smoking brings them enough pleasure that it is worth the shaving of years off their life. Yes, cigarettes are addicting, but if we truly want to give something up, we can. It's hard, but it can always be done it's just whether or not we want to face the consequences or if the trade off is worth it.

Life really is about whatever gets you through the day. We all deprive ourselves of things, why? Because we want to be miserable a few years longer. People view life as this dance marathon that who ever is left standing at the end of the night will be declared the winner. But who will declare you the winner if everyone else is gone. Some stupid teenager who has no respect for you?

Everyone worries about time. Why do we worry about something that is scientifically and psychologically screwed up and relative? We base our days and our life on something that's definition and understanding of are constantly changing. Time fleets away and so too does life. Why don't we enjoy it? Why do we always put perimeters on our joys?

I say, tell time to go fuck itself. I know, I usually don't swear, but I think I'm going to start because even worse than our fenced in area of life is our focus on what is appropriate and inappropriate. We live life by what society dictates acceptable. Now it is time for society to accept me. It needs to love me for all my habits, vices, and faux paus.

Death is inevitable but life isn't. Like with time, why does society put restraints on something that has unlimited potential and possibility? We wonder why we hold ourselves back, maybe it is because that is what we are conditioned to do.

No more holding back. When we restrain ourselves: what are we afraid we are going to find or reach if we aren't kept in check? This seems to be a pre-age of exploration notice that hasn't gone extinct once we found out the world wasn't flat. Well, the world is round and we no longer have to worry about falling of the edge of it. Time to reassess or arcane social behavior. Who knows maybe if we could fall of the face of the earth, we might find that there is something better waiting for us. I think I might metaphorically jump because if life is killing us, then what do I have to lose?


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