Thursday, September 09, 2004

The crisp air of fall

Today it was slightly gloomy out in the morning, that was a nice departure from the hot days prior to this one. And suddenly thoughts of rain leading to thoughts of the fall whispered sweetly in my brain, one little voice to another. All I could think about as well as anticipate was that first night of fall, that night when you can actually smell the autumn that surrounds us. That scent that blankets the air that makes you want to wrap yourself in one. That is my favorite day of the entire year. I just want to listen to jazz and drink hot chocolate all while sitting outside wearing a wool cap and a jacket. Yes, I know in LA there is never an actual need to wear wool, but it is all about getting into that frame of mind/state of being.

I am so excited. I know it is probably not going to happen for another month or so, but I still can't help but wait with wonder in my eyes. Sadly, this thought is the first thought of a future event that has brought me any joy in recent times. But, maybe this is just the beginning. This excitement will open the flood gates for other excitement. Why is it only the negative things that cause a slippery slop? Well, I'm not going to wait for winter to find a slippery slop; besides they are hard to find in California even during the height of winter.

One positive thought deserves another. Maybe I will pay myself forward. Or least start listening to jazz a little early this year. I'm sure they sell some air freshener somewhere that smells like fall in a bottle, that would hold me for now. Magic in a bottle.

The fall is the one time of year that I really miss Boston. Watching the sunset on the city as the brick buildings reflect in the Charles river which is occupied by several crew boats. There is nothing more peaceful than that image and the mood that it transfixes to the air. The warmth of the light and the coolness of the wind find a perfect harmony; natures finest tune that can never be matched by a man made creation no matter what the notes and chords are. Complete synchronization and opposition, may we all hope to someday achieve a relationship like that.


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