Friday, August 27, 2004

One observation deserves another (Observation is the poor man's participation)

***A broker here is partners with her son-in-law. He is an asshole. I would be so pissed if I spent decades raising a child only for her to go marry some asshole who I now have to pass the rolls to at Thanksgiving, let alone work with.

***I'm tired of people asking me if something I wrote was about them. The answer is yes. Whether or not it actually was written about them because if you can find some kind of connection with what was said then it was about you. Stop asking.

***Everyone plays a part. Sometimes I wish I was the casting director then maybe I wouldn't blame everything and everyone I hate on miscasting.

***I'm going on vacation. Someone asked jokingly: "who approved that?" My answer: "God." Or at least he/she/it is the only one who can keep me from it.

***I can't imagine eating the same lunch everyday. I remember when I used to work at Starbucks I wondered how people could drink the same drink everyday. How boring. Then I realized these are the people to date because you know they don't have issues with commitment.

***The sound of the binding machine is slowly driving me insane. It sounds like a person screaming who is buried alive six feet under.

***Why is it that when everyone else goes on vacation I never am informed. Yet when I go on vacation it's like freakin national news story. Everyone coming up to me asking me where I am going. I'm considering going to Solvang so when people ask me I can say that I am going to "a small Danish village."

***Why are some people so creepy? Do they know they are creepy? Maybe I am creepy and don't know it. That's a creepy thought.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

just tell them, "You're so probably think this post is about you..."

8:41 PM  

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