Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I don't know if I have a brain tumor or if I'm not getting enough sleep

Lately, my brain has been doing funny things. Now, my brain always does funny things in that everything it does is insane, but recently it's be effecting my elementary skills. The weirdest thing happened the other day I answered the phone at work and during the course of the conversation I was trying to say the word assistant, but I got stuck on the first part of the word. Simply uttering "assis" multiple times, like a CD stuck unable to move from the one spot thus skipping. I was stuttering uncontrollably in that moment, I couldn't stop, in fact my mouth actually began hurting because it was like my muscles were locked in one position. This freaked me out a little because I have never stuttered in my entire life, never. I thought this was an isolated instance, and in terms of the stuttering it was but the brain would soon find other ways to malfunction.

Yesterday my brain lost all sense of time in space in regards to my memories. I was talking to my coworker about my nieces and nephews, when I mentioned that my brother's wife was pregnant. It wasn't until about thirty seconds later that I realized my brother's wife wasn't pregnant because she gave birth a few months ago. I totally forgot the existence of my nephew. My brain honestly flashed back to last year when she was pregnant.

Then the day before yesterday I was totally shaking uncontrollably, not violently but like I had too much caffeine, only I didn't have that much caffeine, if I even had any. It was like all my nerves didn't know where to go so they just started to go every which way.

I am sure my problems are just stress. Even though I don't feel stressed. I have had a mild case of the flu recently. Or is it the flu. The hypochondriac that I am, I start to think that I have west Nile virus, or maybe it's the plague or ebola, every infectious disease starts with "flu like symptoms." I once had a doctor ask me why I was a hypochondriac, my response; "because I'm afraid of death." Like there is any other reason. So maybe my thoughts of having a brain tumor are all in my head. But, all these problems need to stop. Next week I am taking the week off of work to go home on vacation. Sadly, home is the only vacation I can afford. Hopefully when I get away from work and everything else, my mind will clear and once again function properly. Maybe then I will remember all my relatives. Maybe then I will remember what it is that I want and what it is that I can actually achieve. Maybe the brain punishes us with malfunction when we aren't using it to the best of our abilities. Just like when you neglect one part of your car if left unattended it will cause the whole car to brake down, thus forcing you to fix the initial problem.

I don't think sleep or a brain tumor is my problem. I think it is a different tumor altogether that needs to be removed. I'm just hoping that it isn't inoperable. Because with my shaking hands there is no way I will be able to hold a scalpel steady.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

Whit, don't freak me out. Go to the doctor, or see one when you're up north. Chances are it's just stress. That happens to me a lot when I'm not sleeping well because I'm anxious. So I can get 8-11 hours of sleep and still be a little confused about reality because somehow, I wasn't "resting" in those hours. We gotta get out of our jobs. I'm tired all the time, too, and I think it's because, 5 days a week, I wake up and know that I have nothing to look forward to. But don't worry. I don't think you're dying. I think you just hate your job and are a little down about where you are right now because of it. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Like rob a store or something.

9:05 AM  
Blogger 3am wanderer said...

By the way, Whit, I watched Love Actually and I was like, holy shit, did WHITNEY write this??????

2:10 PM  
Blogger Whit said...

I know. I remember before it came out I wanted you to get the script because I thought it sounded like United. But it turns out it was much better than mine. I love Richard Curtis, I want to be his assistant. The moments are just so great in that movie that you can watch them over and over again and still smile.

2:18 PM  
Blogger Whit said...

Seriously, how do we get out of these jobs?

2:21 PM  

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