Tuesday, September 07, 2004

We were on a break

I just got back from a week long vacation. It was amazing. I did nothing, thought about nothing, and my problems were nothing. It was perfection in the restful/rejuvenating arena. I was at peace with myself and my life...

Until I had to return to it. Looking at your life as if it was a TV show. Unfortunately for me, it is now a reality TV show. When you view your life from a distance of course it is easy to say, "wow, I don't have it that bad." But then the vacation ends and so does the illusion. It didn't help matters that on Sunday I realized a little mini drama was headed my way with the eastern wind. That snapped me out of my vacation mode quickly and put me full throttle into my dreading mode.

Since I was in a bad mindset, coming to work this morning was death. This work environment is dead to me. I don't know how, but I must find some way to resurrect it. Other wise I am going to be buried alive. I am hoping this will inspire me to start motivating myself to get off my ass and be productive. I have come to the realization that there is only one way that I am getting out of this place, short of being fired which might happen if I keep neglecting my job, is to sell something. Whether it will be a script or myself has yet to be seen.

I need to form a "Who needs a good kick in the ass?" club. I'm not only the president, I'm a member. In fact, I think I need to be first in line because I don't know anybody who needs their ass kick more than myself. Well, I do know people who need it more, but it's my club damn it.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

okay, whitney. I get it. you wanna kick my ass. let's sell something. you get the agents, i'll get the johns...

9:16 AM  

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