Thursday, September 16, 2004

I just called to say I love you

A very weird thing has been happening to me and I am trying my best not to over analysis myself because no good can come of that. When we self-analysis it only leads to us knowing things about ourselves that we were much better being in the dark about. But this is my problem: every time I talk on the phone lately, no matter who I am talking to, when I go to hang up the phone I almost blurt out, "Bye. I love you."

Now this might not sound that terrible because it wouldn't be that detrimental to tell your friends and family that you love them before you hang up the phone, maybe never to see them again. But this is a bigger problem because I answer a phone for a living. I don't think a client would appreciate my ardent love for them expressed especially if they are just calling for a stock quote. "Apple closed at 30. Bye. I love you." There is customer appreciation and then their is harassment. I don't think they would mind me thanking them but saying that I love them might be crossing some boundaries.

Although, I don't know. I think I might like to have a good chunk of my money going to a company that professes its love for me. Then they might invest my funds wisely. Although sometimes if they love you too much their judgment might be clouded by their feelings for me. So maybe I don't want them to be in love with me, but at least like me a lot.

All this crazy talk is coming from a woman who wants to tell complete strangers that she is in love with them. I don't know if it means that I feel overly joyful about the world around me. Or that I am just lonely. The funny thing is that I don't feel either of these things. Maybe I am just in love with love. Please, if I am talking to you on the phone and I accidentally tell you that I love you; don't feel special because I want to say that to everyone, you're just the only one where my mouth was faster than my head. My proclamation of love was merely a neuron misfire.

Regardless, whether or not we say things out loud sometimes thinking them really loud is half the battle. If our mouth never betrayed our head and heart, then no one would probably ever say that they love anyone. I guess the survival of the species relies on this betrayal. Or else people would have to start having a lot of one night stands without protection.

Forget everything I just said. I love all of you. Sometimes you just have to say it.

I hope in the morning I don't regret saying that.


Blogger S said...

I always say "Okay, love you, bye!" when I'm getting off the phone with my parents. Because of this habit, I said it to my dentist once. It was horribly embarassing.

1:00 PM  
Blogger Whit said...

Denist is a pretty bad one. I'm glad to know that I am not the only one who suffers from this syndrome. I don't which is worse this or tourette's. One way or another you end up offending someone.

1:44 PM  
Blogger 3am wanderer said...

haha...yeah, i just jumped to comment to tell you that "Sareet" used to say I love you to her dentist, but she beat me to it. I do it all the time. That urge. I think you just want to be loved right now...I think you could use some more love in your life. Work sho isn't givin' it to you...

2:17 PM  
Blogger Whit said...

But on the bright side, maybe this means that I am more open to it than usual. I might not be the cold, hollow, bitch that I thought I was. Wow, I am a disgrace to all Scorpios, they are going to exile me. Will you Gemini's welcome me into to your circle. I could invent fifty more personalities, please let me be a part of your insanity.

3:04 PM  

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