Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Underachieving Stalker

I've always wanted to stalk people, it always seems like such fun. But I don't have the patience for it (which is really a p.c. way of saying that I lack the commitment). I mean, I don't think people give stalkers their due. Mind you, I am not talking about the psycho serial killer type stalker who sends black roses to their pray. Soap opera type shows like Melrose Place have given stalking it's undue wrap; once again having society judge something based on the furthest extremes.

I want to go back to the 80s when stalking was deemed as cool, but mostly because it wasn't considered stalking. Times where the Police dealt with stalking and not the police (still the best stalking song ever). The days that allowed Lloyd Dobler to stalk the valedictorian without anyone thinking he was mental because he wouldn't give up pursuing her.

While I have always admired the stalkers sense of commitment; I, myself am too lazy to stalk anyone. I mean I would drive by someone's house but that involves: getting dressed, getting in the car, and driving over to said person's house to drive by and see if a light is on. But I don't have that much energy, in fact even typing it has made me a little tired. I know, the internet has made stalking so much easier. But I even lack the patience for that. Plus, the gains that have been made in stalking are matched by the upsurge in obstacles. People can see you stalking them, there is now counter-stalking. This all becomes way too messy for me.

I guess I prefer the time when stalking was merely referred to as: going out and getting what you want and not stopping until you've got it. The label of stalking has hurt our generation. Any hint of persistence leads to use of the term stalker. While this isn't a bad evolution in terms of romance, it is in every other area of our life. Ambition and strive are becoming the new four letter words. I myself fall victim to the trend. I always settle, only I keep changing places and people that I am settling for. We see not settling as constant change, but a settle can last for a second and still be a settle. We fool ourselves into believing that we haven't settled but to not be actively striving or achieving for our goals is settling. My current job is me settling, no matter how brief my run here is it doesn't change the fact that in this moment I have settled.

Maybe we all need to learn to stalk things. I'm going to start to stalk my dream. If that means that I have to drive by office buildings searching for lights that have been left on, then so be it. Wow, that still sounds tiring.

P.S. this post does not give you permission to stalk me or any other person unless, of course, you are really good looking then stalk away.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

Excellent post, Whitney! Amen to that. ps--how do I get an ugly little troll stalker off my site?

8:56 AM  

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