Friday, October 15, 2004

Why do I care what you think?

Last night I had the most horrible nightmare. It felt so realistic. Every emotion I owned. Every reaction I fought. And every moment crushed my mind and my spirit. This unfathomable dream consisted of one single scenario: George W. Bush won the election.

Now, don't get me wrong. During my waking state I am not a fan of Bush, but I still couldn't understand why this event took such a huge toll on my being. In fact, the instance has been haunting me all day. The pit of my stomach has been turned inside out. I finally had forgotten about it despite the fact that I was reading a Vanity Fair article that equates George W. to Henry the V. A co-worker, one of the few in the office that is within my age group, came up and asked me what I was reading. After seeing the words in print she seemingly followed with the natural next question: "Who are you voting for?" I pointed to the caricature picture of Bush and company and replied, "Not for him."

Then the unthinkable happened. A train plowed right into me because I couldn't see it coming since obviously the light at the end of the tunnel has been extinguished. My co-worker gave me a crazy look, followed by saying; "You're voting for Kerry? He is crazy." For the first time ever my brain stopped, probably to empathize with her since it is obvious hers must have stopped some time ago. I don't get it. Why are intelligent people voting for a mad man? I have tried so many times to understand why people support him. But I am done trying to understand.

Is it our job, as human beings, to try to understand all people? I use to think so. But now I don't know. Maybe it is alright to pick a couple of categories of personalities that I want to fully comprehend and then maybe forget about the rest. It is too exhausting trying to understand narrow minded people. I know I am being narrow minded in my view of them, but so be it.

There are just some personalities that I will never understand, and for once in my life I've made peace with that. But despite this burden being lifted from my shoulders, I still must endure the test because so many of the personalities that I have given up hope of comprehending, reside in this office.

Some days I get so claustrophobic that I actually feel like I am going to physically suffocate. I didn't realize that the six floor qualified as being into thin air. But if it isn't than why do I need the oxygen tank to breath properly.

I've got to get out of this place. But they have sucked me in with the mention of year end bonus floating around the ever populated environment. Fine, they win this round. But we'll see who wins the next round when the bell rings again after the new year. Then I will realize for whom the bell tolls, until then I will concentrate of figuring out why the cage bird sings. I do like singing, but nothing was ever mentioned about the cage bird being so off key.


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