Friday, October 22, 2004

Go Red Sox. Momma needs some free ice cream.

All the sudden, my office starts to get cool. I think it is the beginning of the holiday season that is in the air. The treats began a little early this year with the big win for the Red Sox. Our manager bought everyone in the office hot dogs as a celebration of baseball history being made. They were delivered from N. Hollywood to our Beverly Hills location. Boxes, full of hot dogs to feed our hungry 125 employees, were scattered all over the seventh floor lunch room. So, I'm hoping that if the Red Sox win we will get chocolate malts which we'll eat with wooden spoons.

I entered an office pool for game two of the series. You pick a square and then they draw where the numbers go on the grid after it is all filled in. I got 4 for the Cardinals and 1 for the Sox. So either the Sox need to lose or they need to score 10 runs. I do want the Sox to win but I also want the series to go to game 7, which means they are going to have to lose 3 games for that to happen, why not lose game 2 so I can win $100.

Apparently, if there are two rain delays and the series go to game seven, then the last game of the series would fall on election day. I wonder if that happened who would it effect more. First it would effect the Mountain and Pacific time zones the most since it probably wouldn't start until 7:30 since it would be in Boston. Most people in the east have voted by then since the polls close at 8. But the game starts at 4:30 or 5:00 in the west. That is when people are just getting off of work and most people would, sadly, pick the game over voting.

Now, are most baseball fans republican or democrat? I think someone, that means you gallop, should take a poll of the hypothetical question. Ask registered voters if the seventh game of the world series was on election day, would you vote or watch the game. Both would be historic events. This election is said to be the most important of our time (of course that was also said about the last election) and if the Red Sox win it could be the most important world series game of our time. Personally, I would just try to take the day off of work because I know it won't be a historic day there. Even though it is getting more tolerable.

Next week we get to dress up for work. People can bring their kids to trick or treat. Damn, now I've got competition trying to score candy from my co-workers. I have no hopes of winning the costume contest since mine will be overly simple and rely on wit to appreciate. So, work gets better as the holidays fastly approach. Although, I'm interested to see what it is like the day after the election. Surprisingly there are a lot of democrats in the office, even tons of the brokers. At first this struck me as odd that all these big wig financial guys were democrats but then I remembered that we're in California. Busy couple of weeks coming up. So many things that I keep forgetting that it is my birthday soon. Another year, another wrinkle. Go Sox.


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