Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Youth t-shirts for the day after

Time to replace your "Vote or Die" t-shirts. I am starting a line of t-shirts gear towards the youth vote. The series is entitled: I was too busy...that I forgot to vote.

*** I was too busy blogging that I forgot to vote.

*** I was too busy pretending to care that I forgot to vote.

*** I was too busy trying to flee to Canada to escape the draft that I forgot to vote.

*** I was too busy taking my medication that I forgot to vote.

*** I was too busy attempting to hack the electronic voting that I forgot to vote.

*** I was too busy trying to get out the vote that I forgot to get out and vote.

Other random shirts:

*** Voting, that was today? I thought daylight saving time meant that Wednesday was really Tuesday.

*** I tried to call up TRL to vote but apparently there is no video on the countdown called "John Kerry."

*** Election in November? Don't they know that it is November sweeps?

*** I didn't mean to register to vote, I thought I was signing up for a credit card.

*** You mean I have to leave my house to vote? That is so 20th century.

*** I thought Vote or Die was an actual policy and I choose death.

*** didn't deem Kerry or Bush as my ideal match.

*** When they said to choice a party I thought that meant something totally different.

*** An election day held two days after Halloween, did they really expect me to be free of my hangover by then?

I waited in line to vote and all I got was this lousy provisional t-shirt.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

What about "Voting Is For Fags."

That seems to be the current, since we're not only fighting terrorists, but people who love each other and want to commit to each other for a lifetime.

Which is ironic that homosexuality is deemed deviant when Tuesday showed that the majority of our country is made up of motherfuckers.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Whit said...

People suck. They don't care about anything other than what they are afraid of rather than what is effecting them right now. The Wall St. Journal said that Ohio votes decided to vote on "values" and security over jobs. Who the fuck cares if you get blown to oblivion if you can't afford to eat. The odds of dying of starvation are much higher than Ohio being a target of a terrorist attack (Of course, that is assuming you don't believet he urban legend that the red states will be targets now). And "values" that is just fucking laughable. Is ignorance a value? Well, Ohio you cannot wash your hands of this. For better or worse yours were the only votes that counted. Don't even get me started on the electoral college.

8:58 AM  
Blogger 3am wanderer said...

Dear Osama Bin Laden and Cronies,
Thank you for your kind offer to kick our asses for re-electing the Anti-Christ. Please understand how hard the states with intelligent, evolved people tried. Therefore, when you go crazy with your suicide bombs, please center your activity in the deep South where the Christian right is busy fucking up the rest of the world.

Thank you for your cooperation.

And Ohio, you are one major MUTHERFUCKER.

11:27 AM  
Blogger Whit said...

Dear South,

Thank you for your hatred of all people. The rest of us really appreciate you screwing all of us over because it amuses you. We're sorry that we won the war, but get over it already. Stop trying to get even by dragging our asses down. We get it, you're making us rue the day the battle of Gettysberg started to go our way. But please, think of the inbred children, what kind of example are you setting for them? If you're not careful some of us radical Californians are going to move to your state and take it over. We'll move there just long enough to vote in the next election and fuck up your whole state. There are enough of us to consist of the majority in all your sorry ass states. Don't mess with us, we will take your ass down. Stop tempting us with another fight because you don't want the hell we can bring.

P.S. Ohio you can suck on it too. We have more than enough population to deal with you as well.

12:49 PM  
Blogger 3am wanderer said...

"But please, think of the inbred children"

Oh my God. BRILLIANT! I giggled myself silly.

2:00 PM  

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