Thursday, December 02, 2004

Blogging in the friendship

It's funny how some moments in your life you hang out with certain people constantly and then a year later you barely ever see them. I suppose this is the cycle of life but it's quite tragic when you think about it. However, that being said there are also some people who you have such a connection with that your friendship is like a cactus, it doesn't require much watering. It's interesting to look back at your life and see how many different type of friendships you've had.

The number of any particular type of friendship depends on what type of person you are. I, myself, am a quality not quantity person. I would rather have a few friends that I can really count on than an army of acquaintances. I hate having to retell my life story to fifty different people every time I call them. Frankly, my life isn't that interesting for me to relive it that many times.

My roommate looked through her address book the other day as she was sending out Christmas; she commented that she didn't realize how many people she isn't in contact with anymore. It is sad, her book is like a little graveyard that fits in her pocket. While it's part of life’s progression to grow and move on there stills seems to be a tiny mourning for what has been lost.

I often wish that I had a magic ball like the Wicked Witch of the West. It would be fulfilling to be able to see what happened to old friends or even the people who you forget of their existence until something random spurs a thought of them. The ultimate satisfaction is to just be able to once and for all answer the question: "I totally forgot about so and so, I wonder what they are up to now?" For the random people this would be satiating enough because I don't really want them in my life, I merely want to know where life has taken them.

Currently, I have disconnected from nearly all of my friends because I'm in an isolationist place right now. I'm seeking the answers to questions I haven't even posed. Trust me, this makes it all the more tricky to find what I'm searching for. It's like looking for a treasure without a map, heck I don't even have one of those lousy metal detectors to help me out. It's hard to invite people on that adventure with you. It doesn't seem fair to drag someone along when the end is no where in sight and even if it where right in front of me I'd be too blind to see it.

Chances are my journey will bring me right back where I started from. The circle of life isn't merely about the food chain. In life we always end up buying the first dress we tried on, but we need to try on all the other dress to make sure there isn't a better one out there. It's hard to trust my first instincts even though as the saying goes, they are always right. The only way to reach certainty seems to be through circular motions. The hero's journey, board games, even months of the year all bring us back to the beginning. The start is the finish only we have to run around the track fifty billion times before we realize that.

Most connections we make in our lives are with our own personal angels. People come into our lives at the very moments when they are what we need. Certain friendships are catalyst for change while others are revolutionary. They all serve to form the fabric of who we are; they are a patch on the quilt and a piece of our heart. So if the start is the finish then the journey is all there is that separates them. Life is what happens when you are on your way there. Friends are the ones who keep asking: "are we there yet?"

Actually, I like to think that the wisest philosophers of the twentieth century said it the best:
There are places I remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

The Beatles represent that subsection of friends that we never meet but they help us out on the journey by communicating with us. Somehow these friends hear us even though we've said nothing, artist who connect with the mass public through shared emotions and experiences can have great individual impact. Those friendships are important as well because they don't judge you they just help you find the truth. The universe contains infinite amounts of relationships: some direct, some indirect, and some an affect.

Some times I feel constantly connected to everything and everyone yet disconnect to the same. We get what we give. Sometimes we get what's coming to us and sometimes we don't get what we deserve. But at the end of the day/journey it's the characters that Alice meets in Wonderland that compose the real story. For those of you who are my friends you will recognize me as the Tweetle Dumb of your story, but that is all right as long as I'm the Alice in mine.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

Yes! I tried to comment yesterday but blogger wouldn't let me. I highly doubt that your frieds think you're the tweedle dum of their stories. I think you just project that. Anyway, call you later for dinner. Eloquent post! Life, the past and memory are interesting things. I feel the same way as you do about wanting to know where life has taken people you've crossed paths don't necessarily want them in your lives just would like to know, if only to help satiate your curiosity about life and it's different expressions.

12:58 PM  

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