Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The search of job

I've been in a great mood the last few days. I don't know if it is because it is a new year. If I am completely in love with my new TiVo DVD burner. Or if it's all the thoughts of a new job and my quest to find it. My roommate emailed me two job postings. Now these weren't any job listings, they were dream job listings. Jobs that I can't even contemplate without blushing. The fact that I don't have the qualifications "on paper" that are need to secure these jobs but this doesn't make me sad, I'm just happy knowing that these jobs exist in the world.

I've been thinking about lighting my hair, in recent months I have dyed it dark-most likely to match my mood- but now I want to highlight it. Add some warmth to accompany the depth. Although, the other receptionist just put blond highlights in her hair which would make people think that I am trying to single white female her, but that is all the more motivation to get a new job.

I can't say how much I adore my new purchase. I was concerned before I bought it because I'm poor. But I got a bunch of cash as a bonus, so I promised myself that if I could pay for it with the cash then I could get it. Because the money would have made me a little less poor for two months, but the TiVo would give me something to show for my hard work. I thought I would have buyers remorse, but I didn't and don't. Even though my roommate already has TiVo, having my own is so much better. I can record what I want, season pass my shows. I've actually have it set to record like 5 movies a day which I have been burning to DVD each night. It's amazing.

Trying to just enjoy the present and not get to engulfed in the future. Life is enjoyable now. I'm not going to worry about tomorrow until it's today. Trying my hardest not to make prediction for the year ahead because they either become disappointments or self-fulfilling prophecies. So, I'm going to go with the flow. So far it's working out.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

WHAT? You have a Tivo DVD burner? Does it burn the stuff on your tivo to DVD????

3:25 PM  

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