Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I'm lost in a sea of my thoughts. Riding the tidal wave usually finding myself somewhere between contentment and resentment. A burning sting runs up my spin foretelling the signs of the flu. My exhaustion leaves me dragging, yet when I look behind me all I see is my own baggage. Tiredness over powers my every movement, but unwilling to yield to my own peer-pressure I resist it's every inclination. I try to find allies in my battle but the caffeine appears to no longer be the soldier that it once was, damn high tolerance. I feel that no matter who/what comes to fight along side me, sickness and tiredness teamed together will no doubt kick my ass in a matter of minutes.

Tag, I'm it. The thought of my bed seems to be the only home base within reach. Reaching, stretching, curling; oh, how I long to be. Fingers type so slowly, yet still move faster than my mind. Don't mind me, I've lost my mind.

My mind justifies, my eye wanders, and my heart promises the only thing they have in common is that they all disappoint me. Why is luck not universally spread, even within yourself. How can you be so lucky in one area of your life and so beyond helpless in other areas: this leaves us all torn as to whether we are lucky SOBs or tragically unlucky MoFos. Cursed and blessed, neither one without the other.

Why is it that when I'm sick everything seems so clear while becoming for fuzzy? The warmness begins to travel to the highest and lowest extremes of my body. Even sickness seems to be circular when you have a fever you shiver, this seems to defy logic of temperature related cause and effect.

When you are sick things; sound different, taste different, look different, and even smell and feel different. You tap into to this different world, you're able to have different perspective than your own, it is the few times when you can see what it might be like to view the world other than the way you do. A change of perspective. I often wish I could be in someone else mind but not view it with my own. I want to see how other people process things. I don't want to be an active participant just an observer. How can we truly understand someone's life until we can see the world through their eyes not walk in their shoes because that is still us imposing our world view upon their life.

I can't stay focused. The zoom on my camera is broken. The shutters on my eyes keep closing. There seems to be no film in the camera. But the framing in the view finder finds an angle I've never seen. Point and shot. I'll never remember what the picture was suppose to look like because the film will inevitably be overexposed.


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