Thursday, May 26, 2005

Do you not understand what I just told you?

Ok, I thought we discuss this. I'm fairly sure I made myself abundantly clear. So, why aren't you listening to me? Why are you still torturing me? The silence in the elevator was all to hauntingly familiar, you want to bring up college scars in the process of creating new ones? Sick and wrong is what that is. Honestly, the silence is worse than the stupid small talk.

Why you got be like that? Don't you care enough not to want to hurt me. I don't know what to do about all this. I gave you suggestion that you don't seem to be taking. Because doing the silent brooding thing makes it all the more worse. So we need a plan C, the way things are going, probably even and E, F, and G. But we will get through this, we will find a solution that will benefit all that are involved.

But what to do in the mean time? First, I will avoid you at all cost, this includes; darting out of the room the moment I smell you cologne drifting in my direction, hanging up on you if you pick a line that is not your own, and hiding under my desk pretending to feel an earthquake if you actually dare try to ask me a business related question. As for you, find yourself a proxy. Send notes by messenger, point clients in my direction without guiding them personally, and get a voice muffler for your phone so when you do have to call me I can pretend it isn't you.

These are only temporary solutions to our problem. Maybe you could introduce me to a cute single friend you have. Or get in some face disfiguring accident (ok, don't really mean that because if you actually get into a face disfiguring accident, I don't want to feel all guilty and responsible for it as if I karmically willed it to happen). Will work on the plans, separately, in different states.

Okay, I'm glad we had this second talk, but let's not make this a habit. Because pretty soon even a black ops CIA agent couldn't take all this torture.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

um...we need to talk. this is far too mysterious and i would be happy to offer my services for some vicious honorary-scorpio payback.

11:48 AM  

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