Friday, April 01, 2005

Enemy by circumstance

Things in opposition can be a result of merely being the opposite; I guess that is where the word derives. The poor hate the rich simple because they are rich, the single hate the couples because they are couples, and unhappy hate the happy because they are happy. It's nothing personal, it's just circumstance. If you are void of something you covet then you despise those who obtain it, but if you are devoid of something you still appreciate it.

If you have something and then lose it you might miss it but you won't hate those who have it because you can relate having once been there. All of this has come about because today a client came in to deposit a check and made a joke about how rich he is making everyone and this obviously hit a nerve with the person taking the check because her reply was, "you make the company rich." It was the tone, the resentment hidden behind an unconvincing smile. Some days even the best actor has to break character.

The thing is the man was honestly trying to be funny and not condescending but sometimes if the scar is there and poking will open the wound. So even though he did nothing wrong, he could be a great person but the sole fact that he has money is enough to make him an enemy. That's how religious or cultural conflicts are. I suppose this is why I don't understand war, how one becomes forced to hate someone based on one thing.

So, all it takes is one thing to negate everything else. That's crazy. Every person has so many different facets no one ever having every single on in common. Then are we destined to hate. Maybe when opposites attract it is because the hate exists within oneself, i.e. if I hate the fact that I snore I will like someone who doesn't.

Two halves in a whole, this idea we cling to about completeness, can only that which is the exact opposite complete you. In science the answer is yes. But in life, in human relationships, complimentary forces rather than opposing forces seem to coexist. So is it the constant gravitational pull that makes us want to be pulled in the opposite direction, as if to counteract it?

This weekend there is a huge lotto jackpot, who doesn't want to win the lotto. I want to win the lotto for the same reasons everyone else does. But today I thought of another reason, I want to win the jackpot so I can finally tell everyone what I truly think of them, I don't mean this in a vicious way rather that in order to "not burn bridges" we hold our tongues when we shouldn't simply because we are intimidated. But if I don't have to worry about paying the rent then so help me I will fight for all injustices. Now, I know this is what one should always do, but in our society sometimes morals and a sense of what is right is a luxury of those who don't have rent due on the first of the month. I know that is a horrible thing to say, and in the case of gross injustices I would stand up, but in the day to day infractions one must grin and bare it. I wouldn't just tell of the people who have wronged me but also for the people who continue to wrong others, others who have to pay rent.

There is a thin line between jealousy and hate one that goes crossed every minute of everyday. It's ok to hate the circumstance but why hate the people? I have enough of an enemy within myself, I don't need any more. I try to remind myself that everyone has problems, problems change with circumstance but no one is void of them.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

i don't think war is because people hate others for one thing. i think they use that one thing as an excuse to dump all their anger, fear, anxiety and hate that comes from everything onto one thing, so that they can have an actual face to the things that generate all these dark emotions and bad feelings in them. It's like why we had to have an Osama Bin Laden. He's become the spokesperson of our hate, the target that embodies all. We dump all our anger--our lives aren't where they should be, we hate our jobs, we hate being poor, we hate that we are disappointed in what life is and the tragedies it imparts, we put it all on this terrorists head and maybe if we slay him, we'll slay these demons that haunt us and our subpar lives. But what happens when he's dead? Our lives will still be disappointing, our jobs will still suck, there will still be terrorism and crime and corrupt self-serving politicians. But people aren't that smart. They just need a place to dump. And why not dump it on someone that's different from us, and wage war because we are unhappy but we don't know why? Maybe collectively it's easier to hate someone and want to hurt them to feel better, rather than accepting that life is hard and that maybe figuring out what is causing our internal strife. People want to fight over religion? Nobody knows what's really out there and that's a scary thing. So instead, why not claim that your view is the absolute correct one and kill anyone who might shake that up and say that maybe you're wrong? Because that would remind you that you don't actually have any idea what's out there and what happens to us, and that's a scary thing.

People need to calm down and break things down. But unfortunately, most people are not highly evolved and masses are the dumbest and most impulsive species out there. Fighting the war is a distraction to the real problems. Kids hit other kids to solve issues, because they think if they can shut the other person up, then they don't have to deal with it anymore. It's childish at that level, atrocious when we're still doing it as national policy.

11:05 AM  

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