Friday, February 11, 2005

A race against time and traffic to get to the DMV

Today I take on the biggest opponents I have ever faced: Friday LA traffic and the hours of the DMV. I must try to make it across town to get to the Hollywood DMV from Beverly Hills. This is actually not a far distance, no more than a couple of miles, but it will still take me 45minutes to an hour to get there. If only I didn't have to work all day tomorrow I could find a DMV that is open on Saturday. If only I didn't have to go today because my speeding ticket is due on Tuesday. What can I say, I'm a procrastinator.

I think I enjoy the rush of running across town with the possibility of failing. I think I like to see how far I can push it until I end up failing. How long can you wait to write that term paper and still have it done on time? How long can you go without clean laundry? How long can I delay paying my speeding ticket before they put out a warrant for my arrest?

The thrill of defeat. The rush to stop the downfall. That we feel more success the closer we get to failure, like being able to pull the nose diving plane back up just before it hits the ground. I think I like the feeling of "Oh my god, I could've just died!" So is procrastination just another attempt of ours to see if we can cheat death? Why do I feel so satisfied if I finish a paper at 8am that is due at 9am? It's like I feel the grade was more well earned than the person that spent weeks toiling and tweaking their paper. Why?

The irony of procrastination is that you take your time to be in a hurry. I could have gone to the DMV any time in the last month and a half, but I wait until today. The last day I can before there is no time left. Am I just lazy, only wanting to do things when I have to do them. This would clarify so many things in my life.

In the end maybe I procrastinate living because I see it as prolonging death. But nothing says that you have to live before you die, it's only required to be born to die the part in between is up to me. And like they say: the only things certain in life are death, taxes, [and a line at the DMV].


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