Monday, February 07, 2005

Why you got to be taking my money?

My company won't give me back my money. Every month I allot them to take away $135 of my hard earned money so I can pay for my parking pretaxes. It sounds nice of them to let me pay for my parking pre-taxes but here is the catch: they take out the money first, then you pay the parking garage for the parking, then they give you back the money they took out of your check. So, in other words, until they give me back my money I've essentially shelled out double for my parking. When you live paycheck to paycheck this will kill you.

For some reason the last two months they have only given me back half of my money. I called today to say, "bitch, where is my money?" And they are like they didn't carry over your December 2004 money, oops. Oops my ass, those stealers. I was so pissed. And now I have to wait 10 days to get my money back. But I paid for this months parking last Friday. Now this stupid error on their part is going to cost me, they should wire the money to me immediately since it was their mistake. Stupid bureaucracy.

To top it off, right after I got of the phone with parking people, I went to get myself a nice refreshing soda; desperately trying to take the edge off. The stupid machine ate my money. What is up? Is this national steal-from-me day. It's the anti-Robinhood day, taking from the poor to give to the rich.

Damn I not made of money, I just work for a company that is; no literally, it's made of money. I shouldn't have to pay for my parking in the first place, let alone have them not give me my money back. Give me back my money. I guess I will have to go buy a 10 days supply of Raman. No really, I have $2.30 cents, I hope that's enough.


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