Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The long kiss goodnight

Waiting is torture. Not knowing the answer to the lingering question becomes pure undeniable horror. I just might puke. Right here on the keyboard. Yak it all up. Knots twisting inside while the nervousness won't subside. Why won't you let me know already? What is up with this Yo-yo shit, that just makes me less interested.

What is up with pulling this Khruschev second letter crap. Don't pretend you didn't get it. You read it. Why deny it? Stop back peddling I can't keep up with you since I am moving forward. At this point any answer/resolution is better than being in limbo. What do you want from me? Captain, I going as fast as I can.

I'm done with all this torment. Last year is no more. I can't be sad about it. I just want it done. I'm scared, but in a good way. Change has begun, but not soon enough. Spring comes early this year regardless of what any groundhog says. The turning of a new leaf despite whether or not there is actually physical change. I am a new woman. No longer will to put up with any crap the life wants to toss my way. I don't give a damn. Throw at me what you want just don't expect me to take it all anymore.

So take that and smoke it. You hear that universe, you can suck on it. I don't care what your beef is with me. Get over it. I have. So kiss my ass you punkass bitch. Why you got to hold a grudge any how? Damn. I thought you were more mature than that seeing as you are older and supposedly much wiser. The universe knows shit that is why it likes to shit on everyone else. Don't take it out on everyone else just because you are a disappointment to your parents. We are all God's children. So stop being a big cry baby. And by big I mean freakin huge.

I've said my peace. I want to find some kind of middle ground. I think we need to put this beef behind us. I am man enough if you are. What have we been fighting over anyways? Did I wrong you in a past life? Have I thrown too many cans in the trash instead of recycling them? Whatever I did, please forgive me. Forgive me for what I do not know that I've done. I will try not to do it again however hard that might be given that I don't know what the inciting incident was to begin with but nonetheless I will try. Does this make you happy?

Today, we move forward to forge a new path in our relationship. Universe, I think this the beginning of a beautiful friendship. And if not, if you keep kicking my ass then you better believe that I'm going to start throwing every can away and leaving the fridge door ajar.


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