Friday, January 21, 2005

The art of war

Definitions courtesy of
To be false or disloyal to;
To divulge in a breach of confidence;
To reveal against one's desire or will;
To lead astray; Deceive.

I know that is wasn't a Scorpio that said "to err is human, to forgive divine." But I think that is probably the real circle of life. A series of betrayal and eventual forgiveness seems to be the track the human race runs on. But what if I want to break the cycle? Tired of all the insignificant betrayal that combined to fuse our material makeup. Expectations, deception, and pain; each one causing the other. But why? We are all betrayed constantly in minute portions at a time, what amount justifies the ultimate betrayal? When are we allowed to say that it's too much, that it's unforgivable? I wonder if that is merely a matter of personal choice or if it signifies which people are more evolved than others?

It's funny that it never seems to be the deception that you picture that brings you to the brink. Most of the times it's not the obvious betrayal that is unforgivable but rather an off-shot of it. For instance, you hear of those couples where one person cheats on the other person and the person who was cheated on doesn't care so much about the affair as they do about the lies. So, is that it, are lies the ultimate betrayal? There's the rub. That is the thin line of human existence. We don't want to be deceived or lied to, but we can't cope with the truth, lack of betrayal exists when we balance on the thin line, but as soon as we fall off the tight-wire we realize there is no net.

Just get over it. So easy in concept, if only we were logical beings; which we are not. We might have instance where logic control our minds but emotions always wins the battle over logic no matter what gender you are. There is the answer, no evolution is involved, just pure instinct. So things resonate more than others. At the end of the day it merely comes down to how much you care. Sometimes you never even realize how much you care until the betrayal occurs.

How do you conquer this? In the end every betrayal has to be dealt with, it has to be overcome. The method to reach inner peace arrives in different ways: time, distance, or an outweighing emotion. Most of the times it is the first two means but every once in a great while you find something that is worth enduring the betrayal. Betrayal is constant, but finding something that is worthy of forgiveness is rare.

Still yet, sometimes the only way out of the dark place is to find a light from a different direction. An unexpected beam of illumination can guide you on a new path. Forgiveness can mean letting go of that which it came. The act is a signal that things were out of sorts to begin with.

Regardless, the moment, the instance, the shot heard round the world can't be denied nor should it. If you don't let yourself feel it than you can never truly forgive. I don't think it's possible to forget. The impact will always hit you an infinite number of times, in fact that forms who you are. That which is done can never be undone. A ghost can stop haunting you but it will still be a ghost. I guess the difference is that some instances you can use as a building block and others as a wrecking ball.

Maybe it is an act of betrayal not to forgive someone. You betray what you had and what you could have , for what is now a memory. It's inevitable. The cycle can't be broken. The pain won't go away. And who is right will always be decided by popular opinion. But what is forgivable will always be decided by the heart.

Life is war. The battle rages on everyday with billions of casualties on every front. Maybe life is about finding art in the war, not just the art of war. There are no sides only individuals fighting to save their own ass. So why are we so surprised and hurt when we say, "Et tu Brutus." It gives new meaning to the phrase, "I've got your back."

What is unforgivable? That which makes a little part of yourself die? Is it like rights or cigarette smoking, it's all right to do what you want to do until it takes away part of me. You can't predict what you can and cannot forgive, one day you just wake up and everything is fine. No one knows if that day is today or twenty years from today you only know when it has arrived. All I know is that today, isn't that day.


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