Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Dreaming of a nap

What is going on? Everyone seems to be as tired as I am. It's an epidemic. A biological attack effecting sleepiness among all citizens. Is it the weather? Is it the late nights from the suckiness of the Grammy's to the suckiness that is Valentine's Day? Why do I always forget that the Grammy's suck. Every year I watch them and every year they are a waste of time. I have Grammy amnesia. I suffer from certain food amnesias as well. I hate when you forget you don't like something. Fool me once shame on you, fool me five thousand times and I should have my head examined.

Why do I need so much sleep? I never understand how people can function on so little sleep. I've never been able to do it, not even when I was "young and spry." I'm an eight hour kind of gal. I would prefer 9 to 10 but life gets in the way of that.

Sleep is good. No such thing as too much. Always in want and in need of some more. One of the only things in life I truly love. I'm such an escapist. It's an art. People should put me in a museum to see sleep. I would never know the difference because I am sound asleep faster than the speed of sound, even the atomic boom wouldn't wake me.

Is today over yet? Why am I still here? Am I still typing? Why is this blinking curse taunting me? Can you be hypnotized by a computer cursor? I'm getting verrry sleeeeeepy. When the computer counts back from ten I am going enter a deep state of relaxation. 10, 9, 8...


Blogger Whit said...

I always try to take a multi-vitimin but I never wake up early enough to schedule it into my routine. But if it works wonders than I might have to try it. Let me know.

2:42 PM  
Blogger 3am wanderer said...

Bring a bottle to work, or a little baggie. That's the only way I remember to take my vitamins. By having my meds in open view at work.

4:53 PM  

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