Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Into the Mystic

"We were born before the wind..." That is a great song. I've always been fascinated by the mystic world. I'm intrigue listening to Julia talk about it. I'm not sure what I believe, but I believe in possibilities. Even if you think it is hog wash, it is still interesting for the mythic quality it possesses. I have to admit the idea that someone knows more about what is going to happen to me than I do kind of infuriates me. How can they see my future and I can't?

Although, sometimes I can feel the future. Those moments where you just know the way something is going to turn out. Not because your mind predicts it but because your instinct gives you that calm feeling. That hypnotic feeling that makes your body at ease allowing you to merely go through the motions to get to said results.

It's funny because over the last couple of years I've learned that thing happen for a reason and they happen when they are suppose to happen. I noticed that when things weren't working out they were always such an effort and the moment things did work out it is so easy. By easy I mean that they just happen like a bolder that gets the initial push down the hill that becomes unable to stop.

Even if we know the future, it doesn't mean that we will believe it. A lot of times I want to believe it but I can't. It's interesting how the closer the future gets the more uneasy we become about it. I remember when I was young I never had any doubt that my future wouldn't incredible and now the closer I get to it the more riddled with doubt I am.

We use the future as a goal. But it's a goal that keep moving. Always replacing its self as it slips away.  Now I am trying to concentrate on the near future and rediscover the doubtless state of the future. My glance into the future is the same as TiVo's, two weeks. I'll worry about November sweeps when we get closer to them. For now I'll concentrate on reality TV.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

damn girl...I love the way you think and write. But remember the thing about perspective. You can always see if someone has shit on their face, but you can never see if there's something on yours. Just as someone else can see if there's something on your face, but they can't see if there's something on theirs. That's why we can't see our own path. In a way, that's why having people around you whom you trust is so important to helping you stay on the right path.

8:54 AM  

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