Friday, July 30, 2004

Why a socialist shouldn't work in the financial industry (aka what's the view like up there from the top of your high horse?)

I'm pissed off as per usual, but this time there is a target. My manager. And I am sure I am not alone. Everyday he writes a huge newsletter type email that he entitles his morning notes. I am usually a fan of these notes, not the excerpts from the Wallstreet Journal or basically any of the body of the notes, but what I like his the quotes he ends with or the meeting announcements he begins with. But not today.

This mornings notes began with a little note. He started by saying that he was inspired by John Kerry's speech last night. This surprised me, I began to think that this guy is completely different than what I thought. Oh but he quickly corrected my change of heart. His next line stated that he was inspired to help the brokers make over 200,ooo dollars a year so they too could be tax more than the 50% they already take.

My thoughts was, "Does that include me, are you going to push me to make over 200,000 this year because I have no problem paying the taxes on that amount." Maybe those who can't handle the taxes shouldn't be allowed to make that much. I think if you bitch about it than you shouldn't get it, just like you don't get a baby the toy that he throws a fit over getting. You shouldn't reward the whiners.  I mean sack up for crying out loud. Like they say in Spiderman: "with more power comes more responsibility."

I don't know about the rest of you but I am tired of these rich cry babies. So you might not be able to afford that second home in France this year. I'm sorry. Is the fact I have to eat a burden on you. Or the fact that the Raman diet has lead me to intake too much MSG and now they have to pay for my heart condition. Again I apologize. But mostly I am tired of the wealthy of this country feeling no responsibility for the legs they stand on. No one is wealthy on their own.

I think the problem is that the American Dream gives us this false sense of what is our entitlement. The north/south gap has grown too big. But really it is because we live in a country that facilitates the dream that grants the same country to ask for some of it back. They wouldn't have their wealth if they didn't live here. What the country givith, the country can takith away. Yes, the wealthy have a responsibility to the rest of us. We made them. We consume their products. We build their products. And we take their shit.

I hate the justification that the rich say that they worked hard for their money so they are entitled to it. They worked no harder than the unskilled worker working two jobs. In fact they do less work. What they forget is how hard it is. 49% of Americans live below the poverty line. Something has got to change. If that mean higher taxes for 1% of the country, than so be it (sorry mom and dad). But if this country gives you more than you need to give the country more.

The manger ended his notes by saying: "Vote for the politician that promises least; they will be the least disappointing. Have a great weekend and I hope everyone has a sense of humor." First, isn't that how George W. won the last election but instead of promises it was intelligence. This is a horrible quote from a manager who is always trying to be inspirational and optimistic. But the sense of humor line is the one that gets me. I don't have a sense of humor; I can't afford one, you don't pay me enough.

I feel better now. Although the keyboard didn't enjoy the tough love. It's amazing what a good vent can do. I hope all you George W. Bush fans out there have a sense of humor. Oh, wait. Of course you do, you elected him.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

you go girl...bush sucks my nuts.

3:23 PM  

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