Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Money sucks, especially when you don't have any.

The other day I had to go "poor" grocery shopping. Filling my basket with milk, mac and cheese, and p & j makings. I thought that time in my life was over. I'm not in college any more, I have a job, why am I still reduced to "poor" grocery shopping? This realization pushed me further down the ever increasingly slippery slop of depression. It doesn't help matters that my roommates are out of town. My only daily bonding is with the tinny tiny dog left behind for me to tend to.

The two of us just sprawl across the sofa watching whatever the TiVo has recorded. Although, last night we watched our Netflix, Tupac Resurrection. I have to say that I actually quite enjoyed it. It was so cool that the voiceover was all Tupac. Sometimes it was eerie listening to him talk about his own death, maybe the conspiracy theorist are correct, maybe he is alive. I can't imagine giving an interview or making a recording with all my thoughts of my life and my death. Blogging is the closest I will come to that.

It's weird how he knew he was going to die. Granted, he was shot five times a few years before which might have been some kind of indication, but still it is creepy. The fact that he stock piled albums because he knew he didn't have much time, recording like 24 songs in two weeks alone. But if fearing death was all it takes to be productive creatively then I would have written the Iliad and the Odyssey by now. However, he didn't fear death he knew that it was coming.

Anyways, it was an interesting documentary. More interesting was the fact that it was all in his words more than the words themselves. Still, I was thoroughly intrigued. Might I suggest that you add it to your queue.


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